Lila Blog

How Many Times Can You Charge a Lost Mary OS5000?

May 2, 2023 posted by Lila

The Lost Mary OS5000 is equipped with a Type-C charging, which makes charging convenient and quick. The Type-C Charger ensures that you don't have to wait long to get back to vaping. To charge your device, simply plug the Type-C cable into the charging port and connect it to a power source such as a wall adapter, laptop, or power bank. The device will indicate when it's fully charged and ready to use.

Unlike traditional disposable vapes, the Lost Mary OS5000 comes with a rechargeable battery. This means that you can charge the device whenever the battery runs low. It is important to note that you can recharge the device multiple times until the e-liquid is finished. However, once the e-liquid runs out, the device is meant to be discarded and replaced with a new one.

Keep in mind that the number of times you can charge your Lost Mary OS5000 depends on the capacity of the battery and the usage habits of the individual. It is recommended to charge the device only when the battery is low to maximize its lifespan.

disposable vape . lostmary . OS5000


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